Everything You Need to Know About BBL Surgery

 BBL surgery, also known as the Brazilian butt lift, can help you get the curvy figure you’ve always wanted by transferring fat from other areas of your body to your buttocks. It’s a big operation that can require anywhere from two to three months of recovery time and significant expense, but if you do it right, it can give you the beautiful, voluptuous rear end that you’ve always dreamed of having.

Overview of butt lift procedures

Butt lifts are a surgical procedure that reshapes your backside. During a butt lift, fat is transferred from parts of your body where you don’t want it and injected into your buttocks. The procedure requires local anesthesia and should be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon who performs hundreds of procedures each year. After undergoing a butt lift, you can expect bruising, swelling, numbness and discomfort for at least a few weeks—some patients say they feel back to normal after three months, while others require up to six months before they feel completely recovered. Best of all: no more padding! In addition to removing stubborn fat cells in other areas of your body (like arms or stomach), patients report an increase in confidence and self-esteem with their new shapely appearance.

Benefits and risks of BBL

There are several benefits and risks associated with fat transfer to buttocks recovery , depending on your goals. If you’re considering a fat transfer procedure, but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, keep reading for a breakdown of potential outcomes. As with any surgical procedure, remember that everyone is different; results may vary.

What type of Buttock Lift Should I Consider?

If you’re interested in having bbl scars to your buttocks, a good place to start is by thinking about what type of lift you want. The two most common procedures are: a buttock lift (also known as BBL) and a Brazilian butt lift (or butt augmentation). But which one is right for you? Here’s a quick breakdown of each procedure

How Do I Choose a Surgeon?

Choosing a surgeon is a critical part of your process, since you’ll be entrusting him or her with your health and well-being. Do your research, look for reviews online (and try to avoid sites that don’t provide any details about their sources), and if possible, talk with friends who have had procedures done. And remember: there’s no perfect surgeon out there—they all make mistakes. Your goal should be finding someone who makes fewer mistakes than others—particularly when it comes to a procedure like bbl surgery. At any rate, choosing a surgeon is one of those situations where you need to follow your gut instinct over pretty much everything else.

How Much Does Buttock Augmentation Cost?

Normally, patients can return home within 24 hours after a bbl surgery. However, you may want to stay with family or a friend until you feel recovered enough. Though it is possible for patients to resume their normal activities within one week after their procedure, most people need two weeks before returning to work and even longer before returning to strenuous activities like running or weightlifting. The recovery process varies greatly between individuals and depends on factors such as your metabolism, your overall health and whether there were any complications during surgery. It is important that you listen closely to your surgeon's instructions and only resume normal activity when you are told it is okay. Talk with your doctor about what recovery will look like for you before undergoing a bbl procedure in order to be fully prepared for what lies ahead.

When Can I Return Home After My Procedure?

Most patients are able to return home within hours of their procedure, but it all depends on what type of surgery they had. For example, if your doctor performed a fat transfer and liposuction, you may need more time than someone who only received liposuction. Many people opt for at-home recovery packages and find that it significantly speeds up their recovery process by providing support while they're away from their normal surroundings. The important thing is that you follow your surgeon's instructions closely and listen to them when they tell you not to lift anything or move too quickly; these precautions are in place for a reason!

What Kind of Anesthesia Will Be Used in My Procedure?

The type of anesthesia used during your BBL surgery will depend on your health status and what other procedures you may have done. There are several different types of anesthesia that can be used, including general anesthesia, IV sedation, or local anesthetic. If you have a medical condition or other medical issues that could affect your procedure, you may need to speak with a board-certified plastic surgeon about which option is best for you. Ask questions about possible side effects and what steps can be taken beforehand (such as stopping certain medications) to mitigate these effects during your procedure.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

This type of surgery, like many other cosmetic procedures, is relatively quick and involves a few days of recovery. For example, if you have fat transferred to your buttocks via liposuction and then undergo direct transfer during a Brazilian butt lift procedure (or sometimes in addition), it will take roughly 2–3 weeks for it to fully heal. Direct fat transfer is also used by itself in order to contour or augment specific areas such as chin or lips. When used in these small quantities, recoveries tend to be just 2–3 weeks. If you have had additional work done—like having implants placed beneath your new derriere—recovery can be longer and more difficult since you will likely still be healing from liposuction on top of that.

Article Source : https://dentalclinicnearmeblog.wordpress.com/2022/02/24/everything-you-need-to-know-about-bbl-surgery/


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